Fillings & Sealants

Sealant & Filling Treatments


We use filling material that matches the color of your teeth. Today's newest materials strengthen the tooth by bonding with the tooth structure to seal and protect it.


Many people have deep pits and groves in their teeth, making them especially susceptible to decay. Children can also develop decay quickly on their newly erupted molar surfaces. Although most of these situations may have previously meant cavity trouble at each dental visit, dental sealants now offer a means of successfully protecting molar and premolar chewing surfaces from decay.


Recognized by the American Dental Association as a necessary means of cavity prevention, dental sealants are simple to apply. We prepare your teeth with a cleaning and etching solution. After about 15 seconds, we thoroughly rinse the solution, dry the surface, coat your teeth with the sealant and harden with a curing light. The entire procedure is not only painless but fast.


Properly applied dental sealants create an impenetrable physical barrier for small food particles and cavity-causing bacteria, making them nearly 100 percent effective in preventing tooth surface decay and the resulting cavities. Unbroken, they can last up to five years. Most insurance companies cover sealant protection on children's first and second molars.


Composite or Amalgam Fillings

Following composite or amalgam fillings, do not eat until the numbness is gone. You may experience some sensitivity to cold. The sensitivity should get better with time. Take ibuprofen following your procedure to help with any discomfort. If you experience pain, don't hesitate to contact our office.


Following your sealant appointment, you may feel a slight difference in your bite for about 24 hours. You may eat and drink directly following your appointment.


Composite or Amalgam Fillings

Following composite or amalgam fillings, do not eat until the numbness is gone. You may experience some sensitivity to cold. The sensitivity should get better with time. Take ibuprofen following your procedure to help with any discomfort. If you experience pain, don't hesitate to contact our office.


Following your sealant appointment, you may feel a slight difference in your bite for about 24 hours. You may eat and drink directly following your appointment.

Start protecting your teeth today! Schedule your sealant appointment today by calling 615-327-4257.

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